How to chose the right FBox suitable to the Belimo device?
FAQ #101844
There are a lot of different Belimo actuators and it isn't always easy to find the correct FBox which does fit to the Belimo device.
Especially for the new Belimo devices, not yet present in our documentation!
The easiest way and the first step is to refer to our system catalogue.
An extract of the system catalogue version 2010/2011 (page 49) is available on the following link.
Or in the system catalogue 2012/2013 page 216-217.
For example for the device NV24-MFT2:
On the system catalogue it's visible, that this device could be used in water applications and that for all the mentioned devices, the MP Linear Box has to be used:
If the Belimo device isn't yet on our list on the system catalogue, refer to following Belimo list:
On this list, do search the new device and if there is on the same table a device for which a FBox is available, then do try to use this FBox for the new device.
It's could be, that the new device could be used with the existing FBox.
For example:
For a LVC24A-MP-TPC device (which isn't mentioned in our system catalogue) it's visible that the device is on the same table as the water application actuator NV24 which is mentionned in our system catalogue (in green square above):
So it means you could use a MP linear FBox to try to communicate with the LVC24A-MP-TPC device as for the NV24 device.
In case the mentioned FBox doesn't work it is always possible to use the Generic FBox 'Peek' and 'Poke' as mentioned in the MP-Bus library help:
PG5 2.0 / MP-Bus
Last update: 20.05.2015 03:06
First release: 31.07.2013 15:27
Views: 980