After Download the PCD is in Halt with the Error Message: MGWY Init Fail

FAQ #101797

After downloading the program, the PCD goes in "Halt" with the halt reason "MGWY INIT FAIL". This is because the S-Bus gateway is defined on a port where no interface is present.


After downloading the program, the PCD goes in "Halt" with the halt reason "MGWY INIT FAIL". This is because the S-Bus gateway is defined on a port where no interface is present.


Plug a communication module in the slot/socket where the communication port is used as gateway.


Related Files:


PG5 2.0 / Serial-S-Bus

Last update: 27.05.2015 07:57

First release: 25.09.2012 12:32

Views: 10678

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
