What is the minimal hardware version of the PCD4.N2x0 to be used with a PCD4.U100?

FAQ #101720

The minimal hardware version of the PCD4 power supply modules PCD4.N2x0 which can be used together with a PCD4.U100 upgrade kit is hardware version "B".


How can I detect whether my PCD4.N2x0 is suitable to be used with a PCD4.U100?
There are two ways:

  • Check the sticker on the PCD4.N210
    If the hardware version is "B" or newer, the module can be used with a PCD4.U100
  • If the sticker is no longer present the printed circuit board inside the module can be checked; if the number printed on the board is "4 431 5271 0", the module can be used together with a PCD4.U100


  • This hardware limitation will be added to the user manual 26/888 in version 2.
  • In case a power supply module with hardware "A" is used together with the U100, the U100 can be damaged.


PCD4 / Uxxx

Last update: 19.05.2015 12:39

First release: 07.02.2012 10:52

Views: 8219

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
