Why are floats not detected when importing symbols from PG5 2.0.210?

FAQ #101709

When importing the symbols of a PG5 2.0 project into the OPC configuration the floating point registers are not correctly detected (if PG5 2.0.210 or earlier is used).


When importing the symbols of a PG5 2.0 project into the OPC configuration the floating point registers are not correctly detected (if PG5 2.0.210 or earlier is used). Instead of floats they are configured as integers.

The symbol files generated by PG5 2.0.210 (and earlier) are missing the indication to be a floating point register (a {F} in the comment of the symbol). As this indication is missing, the OPC Server can not figure out it is a floating point value.

PG5 2.0.220 adds the indications again to the symbol files. If only an older version of PG5 2.0 can be used the following work-around could be applied: 

  • the configuration can be corrected manually by modifying the "Type" to "Float":

Related Files:


Software (except PG5) / OPC Server

PG5 2.0

Last update: 27.05.2015 18:09

First release: 04.01.2012 11:10

Views: 11877

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