Can I automatically be informed if the support site is updated?

FAQ #101695

In case you are interested in updates of the support site ( or alternatively you can subscribe to the RSS feed which is available for this site.


What for can the RSS feed be used?
The RSS feed from the support site can be used in order to have an overview over the latest updates without having the need to manually connect to the site to read the "What's new" section. The content of the feed can be read using various tools such as the built-in RSS feed reader from the Internet Exploer (IE8 or later), Firefox or specific tools such as gReader for smartphones or the free software "RSS Bandit".

How to subscibe?
The subscription process is depending on the RSS reader. Below some hints for the most commonly used readers: 

  • Firefox (version 3.6 and later)
    Type in the URL of the support site (e.g. and click on the small icon for RSS feeds:
    In the appearing window, click the button "Subscribe now"



Last update: 13.05.2015 15:31

First release: 10.11.2011 16:37

Views: 7896

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
