The time zone selection does not work correctly with PG5 2.0.200.

FAQ #101685

To configure the SNTP with PG5 2.0.200 it is possible to select the timezone by country. Unfortunatly there is an error in the code of the corresponding time zone.


The code of the time zone corresponding to the selected country is wrong in PG5 2.0.200. The signs of the offsets are inverted. As result, the offset is calculated to the "wrong" direction, leading to a wrong time used by the PCD when working with SNTP.

To solve this problem you can change manually the signs in the code when workgin with PG5 2.0.200. Beginning with PG5 version 2.0.210 this problem is solved.


Related Files:


PG5 2.0 / Device Configurator

Last update: 29.05.2015 00:38

First release: 11.10.2011 14:38

Views: 6888

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