Why can't I build a Fupla containing the "EIB driver FT1.2" project with PG5 2.0.200?

FAQ #101673

When using the EIB/KNX driver FBox "EIB driver FT1.2" with PG5 2.0.200 (and the EIB FBox library SP2.6.210) the build of the project fails due to a fatal error.


When using the EIB/KNX driver FBox "EIB driver FT1.2" with PG5 2.0.200 (and the EIB FBox library SP2.6.210) the build of the project fails due to a fatal error. The according error messages are :

Assembling: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Saia-Burgess\PG5_20\Libs\App\EibDrvG5.srx
Assembling: eibdrvf5.srl
Fatal Error 1304: eibdrvf5.srl: Can't open file
Assembly complete. Errors: 1 Warnings: 0
Linking: _Device1.obj + Fupla.obj + InitODM.obj + EibDrvG5.obj + eibdrvf5.obj
Error 2006: Obj\eibdrvf5.obj: Can't open file
Lib files: sfuplib3.obl
To: Device1.pcd Device1.map
Error 2021: Fupla.obj: Unresolved external symbol: _eib_group.CH_1._FB.RECEPT12

The reason for this problem is a missing file in the EIB FBox libraray version SP2.6.210.

Please update your EIB / KNX driver FBox library to version $2.6.212 or later (available on the support site) or later.

This problem is solved with PG5 2.0.220 (which installs the EIB library 2.0.220).



Communication / EIB

Communication / EIB library

Last update: 31.05.2015 16:29

First release: 20.09.2011 09:07

Views: 17618

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
