Why is it no longer possible to switch on/off the relay outputs of the PCD3.WAC after installing PG5 SP2 (PG5 2.0.200)?

FAQ #101659

Due to an error in the PG5 device template file of PG5 2.0.200 it’s not possible to switch on/off the relay outputs of the PCD3.WAC CPUs. (PCD3.M2230A4T5, PCD3.M2330A4T1, PCD3.M2330A4T3, PCD3.M2330A4T5)


Due to an error in the PG5 device template file of PG5 2.0.200 it isn't possible to switch on/off the relay outputs of the PCD3.WAC CPUs (PCD3.M2230A4T5, PCD3.M2330A4T1, PCD3.M2330A4T3, PCD3.M2330A4T5).


  • Please use PG5 2.0.210 or higher
  • or copy the attached file "pcd3wideareafamily.saiaxml" into the folder:
        c:\Program Files\SAIA-Burgess\PG5_20\DeviceTemplates\
    and start PG5 2.0 again


PCD3 / Mxxx

PG5 2.0 / Device Configurator

Last update: 25.05.2015 07:36

First release: 12.08.2011 14:33

Views: 12529

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
