Label and schema of PCD7.T162 are incorrect on housings produced before week 22 of 2011

FAQ #101615

The label of the supply voltage pins 1L/2L and 3N/4N are inverted. This wrong label is present on the schema of the housing and directly on the pins.


When a PCD7.T162 produced before week 22 of 2011 (30.05.2011) has a 24V DC supply voltage it does not work when it is connected like described in the schema on the housing.

The pins 1L/2L and 3N/4N are printed inversely. This means that the functionality is still the same but the 24V DC need to be connected to the pins 3N/4N and the 0V to 1L/2L.


Units of PCD7.T162 produced after 11/22 (30.05.2011) are correctly labelled and they can be connected to the supply voltage as described in the schema on the housing.


Related Files:


PCD7 / Txxx

CC Control Components

Last update: 25.05.2015 18:05

First release: 25.05.2011 12:54

Views: 5031

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
