Which special modules can I plug on the PCD3.T666?

FAQ #101603

This Ethernet RIO can be equipped with special modules for communication and fast counting features.


Following modules can be plugged on a PCD3.T666:

  • PCD3.F27x (M-Bus)
  • PCD3.F1xx (Communication modules for slot 0)
  • PCD3.H1xx
  • PCD3.F261 (DALI)

We currently support the following PCD3.F1xx modules (slot 0):
PCD3.F121 (RS-232), PCD3.F110 / PCD3.F150 (RS-485/RS-422), PCD3.F180 (Belimo MP-Bus)

With the PCD3.T666, it's also possible to use the onboard RS-485 communication port. On the contrary, this communication port isn't supported on the PCD3.T665.



PCD3 / T665 | T666

Last update: 29.05.2015 21:33

First release: 21.04.2011 09:10

Views: 27104

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