Can I use the PCD2.M480 as an IP Router for Ether-S-Bus communication or as an IP Firewall?

FAQ #101597

On the CPU PCD2.M480 can be plugged two PCD7.F655 Ethernet cards. This feature allows you to program either Ethernet redundancy by creating an reduced "IP Firewall" or to realise an Ether-S-Bus to Ether-S-Bus gateway.


If you configure your two PCD7.F655 cards with two different IP addresses on two different IP networks, you can create IP redundancy and act as an IP Firewall and block therefore all the IP traffic between the two specific IP networks.

If you configure your two PCD7.F655 cards with two different IP addresses on two different IP networks, you can also create an "Ether-S-Bus Router" with forwarding Ether-S-Bus telegrams from one IP network to the other one.
The only thing you have to bother is, that it's only possible to create an "Ether-S-Bus to Ether-S-Bus gateway" from "Channel 9" towards "Channel 8". The opposite direction doesn't work. This feature works well for Ether-S-Bus communication and is limited to communicate with PCD stations situated on the same IP Subnet as the IP Gateway is programmed.



Communication / Ether-S-Bus

PCD2 / M48x

Last update: 25.05.2015 07:36

First release: 14.04.2011 07:00

Views: 9675

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
