Important remark when updating the PCD firmware to 1.16.xx

FAQ #101587

Please read this FAQ in case you are updating the PCD firmware from a version previous to 1.16.xx to 1.16.xx (e.g. from 1.14.23 to 1.16.16).



When updating the firmware of the PCD from a version to 1.14.xx (or previous) to version 1.16.xx the content of the memory is lost (user program, hardware configuration, register, flags etc. and the user program backup on the onboard flash).

The reason for this data loss is that the onboard flash (where the user program backup is stored) is reformatted in order to support the new backup mechanism which also does backup the confiugration of the IP Enhancements (DHCP, DNS, PPP, FTP- and Web server).
Reformatting the flash takes up to one minute right after the download of the new firmware.

  • In order to avoid the loss of any data, please "upload all" before updating the firmware (for that you can "download all" after updating the firmware.
  • Note that you'll need the USB port after the update (as your S-Bus address might be gone).
    Alternatively, you can also copy the user program to flash and upload the content of the media before the update (e.g. with the "Quick Data Transfer).
  • In this case the program and the hardware configuration will be restored from flash after updating the firmware (for going online and downloading the media content after the FW update).

Additional remarks for PCD3 hardware bought some time ago
PCD3 systems with hardware older than "D" (and PCD3.M3020 and PCD3.M3120 with hardware older than E48) can not be updated to firmware version 1.14.xx and newer because these platforms are not equipped with enough memory to hold the firmware 1.14.xx (or 1.16.xx).
In case a FW 1.14.xx or more recent is loaded to one of these systems, the PCD will remain in the boot loader state after the download of the FW (in this state, a 1.10.xx can be loaded again).

All PCD1.M2 and PCD2.M5 systems can be equipped with a firmware 1.16. and more recent.




PCD1 / M2xx0

PCD2 / M5xxx

Last update: 31.05.2015 10:21

First release: 21.03.2011 09:31

Views: 9866

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
