How to include values in Excel from a PCD with CGI commands?
FAQ #101574
By using the CGI interface from the PCD it is easy to read or write values from a PCD over Ethernet (or using SBC.Net WebConnect).
In Excel select the cell where the PCD MEDIA shall be visible: Then select New web query from : Data /Import External Data / New Web Query
In the new Web Query window write the cgi command readVAL in the address window.
First select the desired position in the Excel sheet where the value shall be displayed. Then open "New Web Query..." and enter:
- In case of the use with WebConnect:
localhost/pcd_name/cgi-bin/readVal.exe .
- case of direct http connection:
IP_Address_of_PCD/cgi-bin/readVal.exe . - To write: IP_Address_of_PCD/cgi-bin/writeVal.exe _to_write
After the PCD has been connected, select the value which shall be displayed (and define under "Options" whether it shall be updatd regularly).Note: attached is an excel example, to write values into the PCD a dynamic link has been used.You have to write the desired PCD value in the cell and to update the value into PCD, clik in the link "write value".
Tips for SBC internals / http-direct
Last update: 30.05.2015 04:31
First release: 01.03.2011 08:20
Views: 12869