Possible reason about missing addresses in Visi.Plus after importing symbols from PG5

FAQ #101548

It can happen that after importing the symbols from PG5 the addresses are not shown and can not be edited.



It can happen that after importing the symbols from PG5 the addresses are not shown and can not be edited.

Possible reason
A possible reason is that the DMS name is too long (more than 80 characters).

It is recommended to keep in mind that the lenght of the imported PG5 symbol name should not be longer than 56 character.
The symbol name consists of the device name plus symbol group name and the symbol name itself.
This can be quite long and of course Visi.Plus also attach some addendum to the imported name to create the DMS name.

Recently Visi.Plus is using longer addendum so the possible lenght of the imported PG5 symbol names is reduced.

Our recommendation is not to use more 40 character in the structure of Device name + Symbol group name + Symbol name.  


PG5 2.0 / Visi.Plus

Software (except PG5) / Visi.Plus

Last update: 28.05.2015 20:46

First release: 23.12.2010 12:18

Views: 10608

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