Why is the "GPRS Status" of the WAA library not always updated?

FAQ #101545

In some PCD3 WAC projects where the PPP- and GPRS-diagnostic FBoxes of the Wide Area Automation library (WAA library) are used the following problem was observed:

After program download and setting the PCD to run, the FBoxes are active without any error but the output values of the FBox "GPRS diagnose" is 0 even if the modem is initialized.


In some projects where the PPP- and GPRS-diagnostic FBoxes of the Wide Area Automation library (WAA library) are used the following problem was observed:
After program download and setting the PCD to run, the FBoxes are active without any error but the output values of the FBox "GPRS diagnose" is 0 even if the modem is initialized:

The reason for this situation is that the FBox from the library version 2.6.150 has expected a "Clean All Elements" in order to correctly initialize.

Please update your WAA FBox library to version 2.6.151 or later and re-build / download your project. This FBox library version can be found on the support site.
In case it is not possible updating the FBox library, please execute a "Clean All Elements" before running the PCD (e.g. with the Online Debugger).

This FBox library version will be part of patch 2 for PG5 2.0.150.


PCD3 / Mxxx

PG5 2.0 / Modem library

Last update: 25.05.2015 07:36

First release: 20.12.2010 16:33

Views: 5645

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
