What kind of modem can be used for the Visi.Plus voice (MALM) feature?

FAQ #101543

In 2010 it was discovered that the MicroLink 56k Fun USB s modem can not be purchased from Devolo anymore. This FAQ contains information about possible replacements.



In 2010 it was discovered that the MicroLink 56k Fun USB s modem can not be purchased from Devolo anymore.
This modem was the recommended one to use as voice modem for Visi.Plus (Mobile Alarm Manager voice). Unfortunately the provider Devolo does not offer replacement for this modem.

Beside this fact there is not possible to install this modem under Windows Vista and Windows 7 (neither 32 nor 64 bit version) because there is no suitable driver availabel.

Which modem to use instead of the Devolo?
We can recommend the following modems to use as voice modem but with some restrictions.
(Further investigation is needed to find out that modems are working or not in other circumstance as they have been tested.)

  1. Manhattan USB modem (external USB modem)
    Chipset: Connexant
    Connection: USB
    Modem name in the Device Manager: USB Data Fax Voice Modem
    Additionally installed device: Unimodem Half Duplex Audio Device
    Supported Operating Systems: Windows 98 SE/ME/2000/XP/Vista7 (/Linux)

    MALM voice functionality on the following OS's:
    - Windows XP 32 bit: working with this modem
    - Windows XP 64 bit: not tested
    - Windows Vista 32 bit: tested and not working
    - Windows Vista 64 bit: tested and not working
    - Windows 7 32 bit: tested and not working
    - Windows 7 64 bit: tested and not working
    Note: A possible reason why this modem is not working on Vista and Win7 is that this modem has a Conexant chipset (Windows Vista and 7 were reported to have a bug to work together with this chipset correctly.)
  2. Trendnet TFM-PCIV92A (internal PCI soft modem)
    Chipset: LSI
    Connection: PCI
    Modem name in the Device Manager: LSI PCI-SV92PP Soft Modem
    Additionally installed device: Unimodem Full Duplex Audio Device
    Supported Operating Systems: Windows 98 SE/ME/2000/2003 server/XP/Vista7(/Linux)

    MALM voice functionality on the following OS's:
    - Windows XP 32 bit: not tested
    - Windows XP 64 bit: not tested
    - Windows Vista 32 bit:  not tested but supposed to work
    - Windows Vista 64 bit: not tested but supposed to work
    - Windows 7 32 bit: tested and working (good sound quality)
    - Windows 7 64 bit: not tested but supposed to work >
    (Some modem was reported that sound card is needed for the correct work. The modem was tested in a machine where sound card were installed before.)
  3. Trendnet TFM-560x Hardware Version:YO (external serial modem)
    Chipset: Agere
    Connection: Serial
    Modem name in the Device Manager: Agere OCM Serial Modem
    Additionally installed device: Unimodem Half Duplex Audio Device
    Supported Operating Systems: Windows 98 SE/ME/2000/2003 server/XP/Vista7  /   Linux  / MAC

    MALM voice functionality on the following OS's:
    - Windows XP 32 bit: not tested
    - Windows XP 64 bit: not tested
    - Windows Vista 32 bit:  not tested but supposed to work
    - Windows Vista 64 bit: not tested but supposed to work
    - Windows 7 32 bit: tested and working (not so good sound quality than PCI modem)
    - Windows 7 64 bit: tested and working (not so good sound quality than PCI modem)

All tests were carried on with the following type of wave audio files (xxxx.wav):  PCM, 8000Hz, 16bit, mono



PG5 2.0 / Visi.Plus

Software (except PG5) / Visi.Plus

Last update: 31.05.2015 04:46

First release: 15.12.2010 13:22

Views: 5367

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
