Can I display Corean characters on a VGA MicroBrowser touchpanel?

FAQ #101509

We provide several CJK (chinese/japanese/corean) font files for our customers. But the corean character set isn't completely covered and implemented with these font files.


There's the possibility to save special language fonts in the M1_FLASH/FONT directory and use them with the MicroBrowser touchpanel. We provide several CJK (chinese/japanese/corean) font files for our customers. This is the chinese character set which is also used in japanese and corean. Unfortunately, not all the corean (hangul) characters are yet implemented in these font files. We have to generate these extensions for our CJK font files. Therefore, not all the corean characters can be displayed up to now.



PCD7 / D4xx (MB Panel)

Last update: 26.05.2015 11:04

First release: 23.09.2010 09:16

Views: 4266

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