The cos phi values aren't correct on phase 2 and 3 on AWD3D5WS00CxA00 energy counter!
FAQ #101505
On energy counter AWD3D5WS00C3A00 and AWD3D5WS00C2A00, the cos value on phase 1 ist correct but not on phase 2 and 3. All other values are read correctly.
As the cos phi value can be calculated with the active and reactive power it isn't a major problem!
This problem is correct on all modules from production date 1034.
The production date is imprinted on the right side of the housing, below the CE indication.
CC Control Components / AAE3 / ALE3 / AWD3
Last update: 29.05.2015 08:00
First release: 13.09.2010 10:13
Views: 4962