Why do I get an error "unresolved externals" when working with HVC templates in the S-Web Editor?

FAQ #101491

After an update of the project from PG5 1.4 to PG5 2.0 (if in the S-Web Editor project a Heavac template "Set-point ramp" or "Setp-point slide" is used) the symbol A.HVC.FBox_Name.SetPt can be missing.


After an update of the project from PG5 1.4 to PG5 2.0 (if in the S-Web Editor project a Heavac template "Set-point ramp" or "Setp-point slide" is used) it is possible that the error "Unresolved external symbol: A.HVC.FBox.SetPt" is displayed and the build fails.

Unresolved Externals: A.HVC.FBox.SetPt in modules: 'WEB.obj'

The HVC FBoxes "Set-point ramp" and "Set-point slide" from PG5 2.0 did not contain all the A-Symbols (they have been removed because the displayed value has been wrong).

Please update your PG5 2.0 Heavac library to version 2.6.151 (this library is not by default in PG5 2.0 SP1) or later.



Web Editor5


Last update: 31.05.2015 02:30

First release: 17.08.2010 05:33

Views: 6016

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