Is CAN or CAN open supported by a PCD?

FAQ #101477

While there are PCD systems supporting CAN basic 2.0 A and B there is no PCD supporting CAN open.


CAN basic
The PCD3.M63xx (PCD3.M6340 and PCD3.M6360) do feature a CAN interface. These systems support CAN basic 2.0 A and B.
These PCDs are well suitable for customers who already do have CAN know-how but not for customers who do not have such a know-how as the experience in the support shows that the configuration, comissioning and programming as well as debugging requires a high amount of knowledge about CAN.

CAN open
At the moment there is no PCD supporting CAN open and there is no project running in order to implement this interface. In general it is possible to connect simple CAN open devices if the user programs the interface in IL on his own, but in every case the feasabiliy is first to be evaluated.

General remark regarding CAN knowhow
As the CAN interface is rather complicated to configure and to be used correctly (compared to e.g. Profibus DP), the experience shows that the effort to connect a CAN device is far higher than connecting a Profibus device.
We therefore do not recommend to apply CAN in case only few controllers are to be used if no CAN knowhow is already present in the company.
Please note that usually the CAN interface configuration/functionality is to be programmed in instruction list.



Communication / CAN

Last update: 27.05.2015 06:27

First release: 30.07.2010 05:29

Views: 8239

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
