Why is the "SASI S-Bus Master" FBox red when communicating with S-Energy Meters?
FAQ #101469
Because the energy meters have a slower S-Bus interface the "SASI S-Bus Master" FBox gets red when communicating with energy meters. This red LED can be ignored (or the FBox SEnergyInit can be used; this FBox does not get red on every retry but only if the Energy Meter does not answer at all).
Why does the "normal" SASI S-Bus Master" FBox get red?
It is possible that an S-Energy Meter does not answer one Serial-S-Bus request from time to time (the retry of this request will be answered in every case). The "normal" SASI Master FBox does indicate such a retry with a red LED (which can be ignored).
What can I do against the red LED?
There are special FBoxes for the S-Energy meters with Serial-S-Bus. These FBoxes for the energy meter will remain green as long as the communication is working correctly (taking into account that a retry can happen from time to time). The performance of the S-Bus is only slightly decreased due to the retry time.
The minimal FBox library version which contains the "SEnergyInit" FBox
- PG5 2.0: 2.6.171 (file "Energy Meter S-Bus_V2_6_171_ml.exe") or newer
- PG5 1.4: 2.5.171 (file "Energy Meter S-Bus_V2_5_171_ml.saiazip") or newer
Please find the adequate FBoxes for PG5 1.4 and 2.0 to read the values of energy meters supporting S-Bus on our support site in section 'energy meters':
Please note that the SEnergyInit FBox can only be used together with the AWD FBoxes (but not with "common" Send and Receive FBoxes for S-Bus).
PG5 2.0 / Fupla
PG5 2.0 / Standard libraries
CC Control Components / AAE3 / ALE3 / AWD3
Last update: 29.05.2015 20:55
First release: 23.07.2010 08:10
Views: 12026