What are the codes for the "System ID" returned by "S.SF.SYS.ReadProdInfo"?

FAQ #101458

The system function call "S.SF.SYS.ReadProdInfo" returns a system ID in one byte of the returned values. The possible values and their meaning can be found in this FAQ.


The values for the "System ID"

:   0hM120M120  M300 
:   1hM110M110    
:   3hM129M220    
:   4hM130     
:   5h M150    
:   7h M170    
:   9h   M170  
: 0Ah M480    
: 12hM125     
: 13hM135     
: 20h  M2030 Compact   
: 21h  M2130 Compact   
: 22h  M2230 Compact   
: 23h  M2330 Compact   
: 30h  M3020   
: 31h  M3120   
: 32h  M3230   
: 33h  M3330   
: 42h     C420 / C421
without LON
: 43h     C422 / C423
without LON
: 52h  M5240   
: 53h  M5340   
: 54h M5440M5440   
: 55h M5540M5540   
: 56h  M6340   
: 60h  M5560   
: 62h     C620 / C621
without LON
: 63h     C622 / C623
without LON
: 64h  M6440   
: 65h  M6540   
: 68h     C680 / C681
with  LON
: 69h     C682 / C683
with  LON
: 82h     C820 / C821
without LON
: 83h     C822 / C823
without LON
: 88h     C880 / C881
with  LON
: 89h     C882 / C883
with  LON
: A2h  M2230 A4Tx   
: A3h  M2330 A4Tx   


  • New systems such as the PCD1.M2xx0 or the PCD3.Mxx60 do not feature a System ID which can be obtained with the above mentioned system function.
  • A returned value FF indicates an invalid System ID.
  • OEM specific System IDs are not listed in this table.
  • Please note that the "S.CPU.PcdType" available in the system tab from PG5 2.0 (see FAQ 101292) is not identical to the System ID in this table. The reason therefore is that the above listed table is not unambiguous (but the "S.CPU.PcdType" is).


PG5 2.0 / SEdit (IL programming)

Last update: 31.05.2015 07:38

First release: 12.07.2010 13:58

Views: 1630

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