Why do I get the "Error 161: New macro name '_COMSTN2' is not part of library"?

FAQ #101446

In some cases this error has been reported after the installation of the Patch 15 for PG5 1.4.300.


After the installation of patch 15 for PG5 1.4 (with subsequent change of the language of the FBoxes) the following error messages are shown when opening Fupla:
S-FUP: Error 161: New macro name '_COMSTN2' is not part of library.
S-FUP: Error 161: New macro name '_COMTXB3' is not part of library.
S-FUP: Error 161: New macro name '_COMRXB3' is not part of library.
S-FUP: Error 161: New macro name '_COMRXBM3' is not part of library.
S-FUP: Error 161: New macro name '_COMTXB3Q' is not part of library.

This error is caused by the fact that some files (with the extension *.idx) located in language specific folders in the library path of PG5 have not been overwritten by the patch 15. In case the error is indicating "_COM..." macros, the files belong to the FBox family "S-Bus Communication" (SFupCom). A possible reason for this situation could be that the files present on the PC have been write protected, hidden or that the creation date of the files has been newer than the one contained in the patch.

In order to solve this issue, please install the S-Bus Communication library 2.6.150 or later (this will install the library again including all the files in the language dependant sub folders).
The S-Bus communication library can be downloaded from the support page in the section "Software"-->"PG5" --> "PG5 1.4" --> "FBox libraries":



Local FAQ Deutschland / Fupla

Local FAQ Deutschland / Installation

Last update: 25.05.2015 13:33

First release: 25.06.2010 06:29

Views: 3398

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