Why is the "current" format of the FBox for the AWD not identical for all phases?

FAQ #101443

In the Adjust window of the FBox for the AWD Energy Counter the display format of the measured current it not identical for all phases. While phase 2 and 3 have the format #.#, the phase 1 is missing the point.


In the Adjust window of the FBox for the AWD Energy Counter the display format of the measured current it not identical for all phases. While phase 2 and 3 have the format #.#, the phase 1 is missing the point.

This display problem is corrected in version

  • 2.5.156 (for PG5 1.4) or
  • 2.6.156 (for PG5 2.0)

Please update the library and then replace the FBoxes in your Fupla program.



CC Control Components / AAE3 / ALE3 / AWD3

Last update: 28.05.2015 18:01

First release: 18.06.2010 12:55

Views: 2207

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
