Why is the partial counter of tariff 1 not correctly displayed in the FBox for ALE3 Energy meters?

FAQ #101432

In the english version of the FBox library for the Energy meters ALE3 with Serial-S-Bus interface the symbol names have been mixed up so that the same value appears as "T1part" and as "T2 part" (partial counter of tariff 1 and 2 are identical, equal to the one from Part2).


With the version 2.6.100 (for PG5 2.0) and 2.5.100 (for PG5 1.4) of the FBox library for the Energy meters with Serial-S-Bus interface the output for the "tariff 1 partial" is wrong (contains always the value from the "tariff 2 partial") in the first places FBox of the Fupla. In the screenshot below, the T1part should be 31.7, but it is 0: 

Unfortunately the same names have been used twice in the FBox:

Please download and install the latest library version (listed below) and re-insert he FBox to your Fupla!

  • Version 2.6.155 or later for PG5 2.0.110
  • Version 2.5.155 or later for PG5 1.4.300


CC Control Components / AAE3 / ALE3 / AWD3

Last update: 30.05.2015 18:17

First release: 03.06.2010 06:46

Views: 2451

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