Problem with the FBox HD Log to File if the dynamic space of registers is defined as <1000 or >=10 000
FAQ #101429
In case the dynamic space of registers is defined below 1000 or above 9999 the FBox HD Log to file cannot create the Logfiles correctly
If the dynamic space of registers is defined <1000 or >=10 000 the FBox HD Log to File is not able to create the Logfile correctly. The FBox is using interpreted text with $R commands. Due to a problem in the FBox this won't work for registers below 1000 since they only have 3 digits $Rxxx and the interpreted text needs 4 digits. Also in case the dynamic space is defined above 9999 the interpreted text won't work correctly, because the last digit is cut off by the firmware.
At the moment the dynamic space has to be defined >=1000 and <10 000 otherwise the FBox HD Log to File will not work correctly. The FBox library will be corrected for a dynamic space below 1000. To define the dynamic space above 10 000 a correction in the firmware will be necessary. As soon as a correction is available, this FAQ will be updated.
Local FAQ Deutschland / PG5 1.4 FBox Libraries
S-Web Technology
PG5 2.0 / FBox Libraries
Last update: 29.05.2015 02:47
First release: 27.05.2010 14:53
Views: 3155