How to configure a Profi-S-I/O network with a PCD3.M2 as master?

FAQ #101367

The PCD3 Compact (PCD3.M2xxx) is available in the Network configurator from PG5 2.0 but not in the one from PG5 1.4 300.


It is generally possible to programm and configure a PCD3.M2xxx compact with PG5 1.4 as long as the PCD3 Compact is not used as Profi-S-I/O Master because the PCD3.M2 is not available as Profi-S-I/O master in PG5 1.4 300.

This problem can be avoided by programming the PCD3 Compact with PG5 2.0; in the Network Configurator from PG5 2.0 the PCD3.M2xxx is available.



PCD3 / Mxxx

Local FAQ Deutschland / Network configurator

PG5 2.0 / Profi-S-I/O

PG5 2.0 / Network configurator

Last update: 30.05.2015 12:18

First release: 05.02.2010 07:44

Views: 5697

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