Is there a an in-wall or on-wall mounting kit for the PCD7.D410V available?

FAQ #101361

No, there is no drywall installation set for the 10 inch micro-browsers available and there are no plans yet to realize such a kit.


Unfortunately there is an error in the System Catalogue (it is stated that mounting sets for both flush and on-wall installations are in preparation for the 10.4" MB panels, which is not true).

In case you are looking for a wall mounting set maybe the usage of a 5.7" MB Panel or a Windows based Web-Panel could be considered.



PCD7 / D4xx (MB Panel)

Last update: 31.05.2015 11:42

First release: 19.01.2010 10:46

Views: 2483

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
