Why does the message that an Add-On tool has been installed appear on every start of PG5 2.0?

FAQ #101350

When having installed PG5 2.0.110 on a PC running Windows Vista (or probably Windows 7) it is possible that you are informed that an Add-on tool (e.g. the S-Web Editor or the BACnet Configurator) has been installed every time you launch PG5 2.0.


There is a message telling that an Add-on tool (e.g. the S-Web Editor or the BACnet Configurator) has been installed every time you launch PG5 2.0.

This behavior can occur on Windows Vista systems because in case the access rights of the following path avoid writing (path is write protected).


In order to avoid this problem (under administration rights),

  • please change the access rights of this directory to be readable with the Windows Explorer or
  • use the following DOS command:
    cacls C:\ProgramData\Saia-Burgess\PG5_20 /e /t /p %USERNAME%:f
    (note that "C:\" must be replaced with your windows disk name if it is not C:\)


PG5 1.x / Add on Tools

PG5 2.0 / Installation

Last update: 28.05.2015 15:15

First release: 23.12.2009 16:06

Views: 4821

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
