How to update an SMS call number in runtime?

FAQ #101316

Sometimes it is necessary that the callnumber can be changed in runtime from a webproject, hmi, visualisation... Since the phone numbers are stored in hexadecimal the number can not be easily overwritten.


A phonenumber should be changable in runtime, per example the destinations of the "Call SMS" FBox. Since the phone numbers are stored as hexadecimal values they cannot be overwritten without a conversion.

The modem library offers FBs for the conversion of the phonenumber. The following FBs are available (after placing the "Modem18" FBox in a Fupla and having rebuilt the program once):

  • s.mdm.hextoasc Convert Phone number from HEX to ASCII in 2 reg
  • s.mdm.hextotxt Convert Phone number from HEX to ASCII in text
  • s.mdm.asctohex Convert Phone number from ASCII 2 reg to HEX
  • s.mdm.txttohex Convert Phone number from ASCII 2 reg to HEX

More information about this FBs can be found in the help of the FBox "Update Callnumber". A small example for the use of this FBs is available on request.



Local FAQ Deutschland / Modem library

PG5 2.0 / Modem library

Last update: 27.05.2015 04:06

First release: 16.10.2009 11:42

Views: 5118

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