Why is the time displayed in the online trending on an MB Panel not correct?

FAQ #101302

When showing an online trend in a PCD7.D4xx MB Panel (both VGA and QVGA versions) the time stamp displayed is wrong. Instead of the correct time, a date in 1970 is indicated.


When showing an online trend in a PCD7.D4xx MB Panel (both VGA and QVGA versions) the time stamp displayed is wrong. Instead of the correct time, a date in 1970 is indicated.

The reason for this incorrect time is that the PCD7.D4xx do not feature an internal clock.

With the MB Panel firmware 1.18.28 and later this problem is solved. The clock of the PLC is then transmitted to the web panel.



Web Editor5

PCD7 / D4xx (MB Panel)

Last update: 26.05.2015 23:20

First release: 29.09.2009 09:30

Views: 51980

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
