The device configurator does not work in PG5 1.4 or the project manager PG5 2.0 does not open at all.

FAQ #101274


- The device configurator does not open in PG5 1.4. Otherwise the "Hardware Settings" worked well.
- The PG5 2.0 Project Manager does not open at all. Just an error message "failed to start..." appears.

PG5 2.0 and the device configurator are based on the Microsoft .net framework 2.0. If it is not installed on you computer with Windows XP installed, the PG5 2.0 tools won't work (the Microsoft .net framework 2.0 is a part of Windows Vista; this FAQ only appies to PCs with XP installed).

In this case you have to install .net framework 2.0. It is available on the CD Image of PG5 2.0 and PG5 1.4.300.
Close PG5 and execute this installation file.



Local FAQ Deutschland / Device Configurator

PG5 2.0 / Device Configurator

Last update: 26.05.2015 20:01

First release: 07.08.2009 08:33

Views: 9425

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
