Incompatibility of WebEditor and virus scanner "Trend Micro Internet Security Pro"

FAQ #101257


When building the WebEditor project after generating the HTML-file, the build fails with following error message:
'a renamed file was not found'
As result it isn't possible to build the WebEditor project at all. This behavior has been observed on PCs with installed virus scanner named "Trend Micro Internet Security Pro" (version 17.1.1250).

Apparently the virus scanner prevents the Web Editor to complete the build of the WebEditor project by denying access to the *.htm/*.html file of the project.

The actually only solution to successfully build of the WebEditor project in this case is to disactivate this virus scanner during engineering with WebEditor. 



Web Editor5

Last update: 29.05.2015 15:53

First release: 17.07.2009 10:26

Views: 1455

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