What is is a "dynamic parameter" in the FBox Builder?
FAQ #101202
In the two tools PG5 and the FBox Builder it is possible to define "dynamic ressources". Although the name of these ressources is very similar, these address distribution is not identical for these ressources!
What is a "dynamic Ressource"?
Depending on where the definition of this dynamic ressource is done, the meaning of "dynamic" is not the same:
- A dynamic ressource in PG5
In PG5 there is a "Dynamic Space" where a range of addresses can defined in the "Software Settings" of PG5 1.4 (or in the "Build Options" in PG5 2.x).
Addresses from this range will be distributed "dynamically" to ressources which do not have a static address in the Symbol Editor (used for auto allocation):
Every symbol defined in the Symbol Editor does receive one unique address which only is used by this symbol. - A dynamic parameter in the FBox Buidler
In the FBox Builder (SFB) a dynamic ressource (see screenshot) is used for "dynamic FBox paramter" and stands for a register which will be re-used by other FBoxes in the same Fupla block.
This means that this ressource (e.g. dyn_R_0 in the screenshot above) needs to be re-initialized every time the FBox is called. The value from this ressource will not remain the same in the next cycle!
PG5 2.0 / FBox Builder
Last update: 01.06.2015 09:52
First release: 01.05.2009 09:21
Views: 2126