Can I change the physical variable displayed on a ALE3 or a AWD3?

FAQ #101146

An energy meter ALE3 or AWD3 does always show the consumed energy (as physical variable) on the LCD display on its front. It is also possible to temporarily display e.g. the instantaneous power measured, the energy meter will switch back to the display of the consumed energy after 20 seconds.


Can I cange this behavior?
No, it is not possible to change the unit displayed by default. Since the ALE3 and the AWD3 are energy meters, the norm EN 50470-3 is applied for the behavior of the device. This norm specifies that an energy meter must display the consumed energy by default.



CC Control Components / AAE3 / ALE3 / AWD3

Last update: 30.05.2015 11:23

First release: 26.02.2009 09:40

Views: 8025

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