How to connect an external display PCD7.D23x to a PCS1

FAQ #101143

Note that connecting an external terminal is possible even if the PCS1 has already an internal terminal


It is possible to use the ports 0, 1 , 2 and 3.
The internal terminal is using the port 2. So in case if there is an internal terminal the port 2 is not available.

Port 2
For the connection to port 2 we recommend using the cable PCD7.K423 (with Handshake). The wiring is:

PCD7.D23x   PCS1 X3 
 Signal Pin   SignalPin 
 TXD 2---------------------------   RXD 8
 RXD 3---------------------------   TXD 10
 RTS 8---------------------------   CTS 7
 CTS 7---------------------------   RTS 0
 GND 5---------------------------  GND 6

Channel in the HMI Editor is Channel 2, Handshake RTS/CTS. Settings in the Terminal: RS232 with RTS/CTS

PGU Port
For the connection to the PGU port we recommend using the cable PCD7.K413 (with Handshake).
Channel in the HMI Editor is Channel 0, Handshake RTS/CTS. Settings in the Terminal: RS232 with RTS/CTS
Important: Since the PGU port is shared with the modem, it is necessary to place the FBox "PGU Switch/PCS1" from Standard/Special. The FBox has to be set to RS232 only, otherwise the port switches to the modem. Note that it is not possible to have a modem at the same time, if you connect the terminal to the PGU port.



Last update: 28.05.2015 13:06

First release: 25.02.2009 14:44

Views: 4976

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
