How to backup a PG5 project on the PCD flash file system?

FAQ #101134

It is possible storing the PG5 project directly onto the PCD in case there is a flash file system available (e.g. on the PCD3.R600). This strategy offers the advantage that the last version of the project can always be stored directly on site.


How to backup the PG5 Project (or the CPU of the project) on the PCD?
PG5 1.4.300 offers a feature which creates a beckup, connects to the PCD using the FTP protocol (given an Ethernet connection is existing) and stores the project on the file system of the PCD.

  • In the PG5 Project Manager menu "Online" --> "Flash Memory" select the function "Backup File to Flash..."
  • Select the CPU you want to backup (by default only a CPU but not the whole Project is pre-selected for saving some space on the file system). PG5 will then create a backup file (*.zip)
  • In the automatically opened Window "Backup File to Flash", verify the IP address of the PCD. The default user is as always "root" and the default password is "rootpasswd"
  • If required, browse to the folder on the PCD file system where you want to store your PG5 project backup file
  • After selecting the target folder, click "OK" and wait until the file transfer has completed
  • Verify whether the transfer finished without errors.

This feature is not the same as the "Backup user program to flash" which does store the content of the SRAM (user program, DBs etc.) of the PCD to its onboard flash. A "Backup user program to flash" only contains the compiled PCD code but not the source files (Fupla etc.). The "Backup user program to flash" can not be seen in the file system. 



PG5 1.x

Last update: 30.05.2015 22:23

First release: 13.02.2009 13:17

Views: 1267

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
