When adding a transition (Fupla) to a project, compiling is not possible anymore. Multi-defined symbol
FAQ #101122
The reason for the error message is not clear and there is no multi-defined symbol in the new transition.
Problem Assembling: praca.sfc Error 41: praca.inc: Line 129: Multi-defined symbol: __stc_id_001B7_var_00
When adding a new transition (with a "Wait time" FBox) to an existing project an error appears on build:
There is a problem in Fupla which leads to this problem
For PG5 1.4 a patch is available on request from pcdsupport.
Local FAQ Deutschland / Graftec
Last update: 31.05.2015 01:47
First release: 04.02.2009 07:52
Views: 1168