How to know whether the BACnet module is plugged in the PCD2/PCD3 and that the BACnet stack is running?

FAQ #101119

The verification of the "Present Value" of a BACnet object during runtime allows to know whether the BACnet module is plugged in the PCD and if the BACnet stack is running.



If you want to verify during runtime whether the BACnet module (PCD3/7.R56x) is plugged in the PCD2/PCD3 then you could follow the following steps:

  • Define a new BACnet object "binary output" on the BACnet configurator of PG5
  • Map the "Present Value" of the new object to a PCD resource
    (for example a flag with the name "Bacnet_is_running")
  • Do define on the priority Array 16 of the new object a symbol reference.
  • Map a PCD resource on the Value and the Flag field of the symbol reference
    (for example the Value with the flag "Value_1" and the Flag with the flag "Enable_BACnet")
  • On the PCD application program do set the different flags on the XOB 16 as following:
    • Set to low (0) the flag      "Bacnet_is_running"
    • Set to high (1) the flag    "Value_1"
    • Set to high (1) the flag    "Enable_BACnet"
  • On the application program do verify the status of the flag "Bacnet_is_running".
    If the flag is set to low (0) then the BACnet module is not plugged in the PCD
    If the flag is set to high (1) then the BACnet module is plugged in the PCD and the
    BACnet stack is running.

During the startup of the PCD the flag "Bacnet_is_running" is set to low (0).
If the BACnet stack is running then he will set the flag "Bacnet_is_running" to high (1) by coping the status of the priority Array 16 to the PCD flag "Bacnet_is_running"

Since the BACnet stack needs some time after the startup of the PCD to update a first time all values, wait for about 10 seconds after the startup of the PCD before that you do check the status of the flag "Bacnet_is_running" on the application program.



Communication / BACnet

Last update: 30.05.2015 09:21

First release: 03.02.2009 15:03

Views: 3449

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