Until when are PCD4 systems repaired?

FAQ #101098

The PCD4 product family has been phased-out by the end of 2008. The repair service is guaranteed until 31.12.2013 (except of modules which have already been phased-out earlier).


20 years after its introduction, the PCD4 product family has been discontinued by the end of the year 2008. As usual the repair service is guaranteed for additional 5 years. This means that the PCD4 modules (except older ones which have already been phased-out earlier) can be repired until 31.12.2013.

End of repair service of the different modules / CPUs

 Module repair until remarks 
 PCD4.M170  end of 2013  
 PCD4.M1x5 end of 2010  extended repair period 
 PCD4.M2xx -  end of repair service
 PCD4.M3xx - end of repair service
 PCD4.M445 end of 2010  extended repair period
 PCD4.Axxx end of 2013  
 PCD4.Bxxx end of 2013 
 PCD4.C1x0 end of 2011  
 PCD4.Exxx end of 2013  
 PCD4.F200 -  end of repair service (OEM Revolution Converter) 
 PCD4.H220 -  end of repair service
 PCD4.H225 end of 2013  
 PCD4.H420 end of 2011  
 PCD4.N210 end of 2013  
 PCD4.Wxxx end of 2013  with or without PCD7.Wxxx 




Software (except PG5) / Discontinued products

Last update: 01.06.2015 06:40

First release: 09.01.2009 15:14

Views: 14468

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
