Is it possible to deactivate the "secure S-Bus Data Mode"?

FAQ #101084

Yes it is possible to deactivate the "secure S-Bus Data Mode".


In some special cases it can be desired to deactivate the "secure S-Bus Data Mode". This is possible by adding a specific parameter to the SASI text.

The additional parameter is placed after the parameter "destination register" (the "destination register" is R20 in the example below)

TEXT 0 "UART:9600;MODE:SM2,R20,0;DIAG:F0,R0"

Default value is 1 (Secure Data Mode activated)!
When the SASI text does not have this option or does have an option different than zero, the "secure S-Bus Data mode" is activated.

The option has to be a constant.

This option is only available for the SM2/GM mode.

Firmware dependency
Minimum firmware supporting the possibility to deactivate the "secure S-Bus Data" mode can be found in the table below (systems not listed in this table do not support this option).

PCD type    minimal Firmware version


Usage in Fupla
For Fupla users the version 2.6.101 of the communication library does feature a new parameter in the FBox "Sasi S-Bus extended" to activate and deactivate the secure S-Bus Data mode (mode "Data No Secure"):

Availablility of the FBox

  • For PG5 1.4 the FBox library 2.6.101 is available from the support site
  • PG5 2.0.110 contains this version by default


Local FAQ Deutschland / PG5 1.4 FBox Libraries

PG5 2.0 / Serial-S-Bus

PG5 2.0 / FBox Libraries

Last update: 25.05.2015 02:06

First release: 08.12.2008 14:18

Views: 16515

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