Why do I get a "68k add Error" when writing a text on the S-Web Server?

FAQ #101049

When trying to write a text (with address higher than 4000) using the S-Web Server, the PCD system stopps working and in the PCD history a "68k add Error" is indicated.


When trying to write a text (with address higher than 4000) using the S-Web Server, the PCD system stopps working and in the PCD history a "68k add Error" is indicated.
The following PCD systems are concerned:

  • PCD1.M1x5 with firmware version higher than 0B0
  • PCD2.M150 with firmware version higher than 0E0
  • PCD2/4.M170 with firmware version higher than 030
  • PCS1.Cxx0 with firmware version higher than 0C0 

This behaviour is not intended. Due to a problem in the firmware the write access fails.

This problem is solved in firmware version 0E6 (the version indication 0E6 is the same for all systems) which can be downloaded from the support site (www.sbc-support.ch).




PCD1 / _Firmware Classic

PCD2 / _Firmware Classic

PCD4 / _Firmware

Last update: 28.05.2015 13:06

First release: 21.10.2008 17:56

Views: 7424

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
