How can I test my BACnet configuration without the foreign system?

FAQ #101023

Several tools are available for BACnet testing purposes. This FAQ lists some free and commercial tools we recommend.


System integrators are often forced to build the BACnet configuration for the Saia PCD® systems long before the foreign BACnet systems (B-BC, B-OWS etc. from other manufacturers) are up and running at the plant. Actually most programming and configuration work is done at the office, where testing with "real" systems is often impossible. But, fortunately, there are several BACnet tools available that allow tests even without any other BACnet systems. Here are some tools we can recommend for BACnet testing and trouble-shouting (listing in alphabetical order):

BACbeat (Polarsoft Inc.)
Fexible, yet easy to use program for evaluating, analyzing and testing BACnet systems. Commercial tool, which runs under Windows only. Single and multi-user licenses available.
Details at

BACnet OPC Server (Cimetrics)
OPC server for Windows 2000/2003/XP usable with every OPC client (DA 1.x/2.x). Commercial usage requires license (dongle). Without dongle, the software runs in a limited mode, which stills allows searching for OPC clients and monitoring some objects!
Details at

BACnet Explorer XML (Cimetrics)
Automatic discovery of BACnet devices, objects and properties, displayed in an handy tree-diagram. Allows reading and writing property values. Point lists can be saved in XML files.
Details at

BACnet Watcher (HHO Automation)
Hardware-based BACnet Analyzer that acts as a web-based B-OWS. Very helpful for testing purposes during configuration and commissioning BACnet systems.
Deatils at: (german language only)

BAS-o-matic Protocol Analyzer (Cimetrics)
This is a protocol analyzer for IP-based networks with a focus on BACnet applications. Commercial tool, license dongle needed. See Wireshark for a free, open-source alternative to BAS-o-matic.
Details at

Wireshark Protocol Analyzer (Open Source)
Free, open-source, industrial-standard protocol analyzer with support for hundreds of IP-based protocols. Good BACnet support, but also for Ether-S-Bus, HTTP, FTP, Modbus/IP and many more protocols used by Saia PCD® systems. Highly recommended by Saia Burgess TCS!
Details and Download at

(To be continued)



Communication / BACnet

Last update: 24.05.2015 21:41

First release: 10.09.2008 04:37

Views: 7021

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
