The PCD3.M6440 is not available in the Hardware Settings

FAQ #100987

In PG5 1.4.300 the new DP Master CPU without ethernet is not available, just the PCD3.M6540 can be selected


The PCD3.M6440 is not available in the Hardware Settings of PG5 1.4.300. It is not possible to choose another CPU for the configuration

Install the Patch 5 or higher for PG5 1.4.300. This Patch is available on the support site. The next PG5 version will contain the PCD3.M6440.



PCD3 / Mxxx

Last update: 26.05.2015 11:51

First release: 31.07.2008 08:06

Views: 1701

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
