DP/Belimo gateway display error message after program download to the PCD
FAQ #100976
Description of a possible malfunction in relation with a DP/Belimo gateway (device S-HER-UN-DP-Belimo Gateway from the company A-M-Systeme)
Description of a possible malfunction in relation with a DP/Belimo gateway (device S-HER-UN-DP-Belimo Gateway from the company A-M-Systeme):
- Profibus-DP network with a PCD as DP master and a DP/Belimo gateway as DP slave
- DP communication woks fine.
- After a download of the application program to the PCD or a restart cold of the PCD the DP/Belimo gateway does show an error message on his display "SPS stopped" and the Error LED of the DP/Belimo gateway is blinking.
The DP/Belimo gateway is not able to receive and send DP messages. - On the DP diagnostic of the PCD there is no indication that the DP slave does not work but it’s not possible to read/write information’s from/to the DP/Belimo gateway.
- A power off/on of the DP/Belimo gateway or the PCD does solve the problem.
The problem was on the FW of the DP/Belimo gateway and was fixed on the FW 1.24d of the DP/Belimo gateway.
FW versions < 1.24d could have this problem.
To update the FW of the DP/Belimo gateway please contact your DP/Belimo gateway supplier.
PG5 2.0 / Profibus DP
Local FAQ Deutschland / Network configurator
Last update: 30.05.2015 20:33
First release: 01.07.2008 15:23
Views: 5026