Why doesn't my CPU go in RUN after download, even if this download option has been activated?

FAQ #100942

After a succesful download the PCD3 or the PCD2.M5xx0 doesn't go in run. It stays in HALT in XOB 16.


The download option "RUN Program after succesful download" is activated. With a specific project, the CPU doesn't go in RUN. It can be started manually without problems. The installed PCD3 firmware is 1.08.23 (1.08.19 for PCD2.M5xx0 or 1.08.21 for PCD2.M480).

Due to a firmware problem, the CPU goes not in RUN if the project has a specific (big) size. The PCD3 and PCD2.M5xxx and PCD2.M480 CPU's with firmware version <=1.08.23 are concerned.

Please update the firmware of your

  • PCD2.M480 to 1.08.53 or later
  • PCD2.M5xx0 to 1.10.16 or later
  • PCD3.Mxxx0 to 1.10.16 or later

The firmeware can be downloaded from the support site (the first firmware with the correction is 1.08.31).




PCD2 / M5xxx

PCD2 / M48x

Last update: 22.05.2015 06:02

First release: 15.05.2008 14:58

Views: 7861

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
