Problems on installation of PG5 1.4.300

FAQ #100940

PG5 1.4 cannot be installed due to a message "Error 2711: The specified Feature name ( ... ) not found in Feature table".


When installing a new version of PG5 1.4, a problem occurs on installation. An error message: "The specified Feature name (e.g. 'SBC_Device_Configurator') not found in Feature table" or similar appears during the installation and the installation fails.

Displayed errormessage:

This can happen because the previouse version of PG5 1.4 was not properly unistalled.

A cleaner can be run to clean the registry completely (attached to this FAQ). After the "cleaning", run the PG5 1.4 installation again.

Only execute this Cleaner if you are concerned by this installation problem of PG5 1.4.
This Cleaner will clean the PG5 1.4 registry entries completely. A correctly installed version of PG5 1.4 will no longer run after having run this tool.



Local FAQ Deutschland / Installation

Last update: 24.05.2015 02:58

First release: 15.05.2008 14:42

Views: 3354

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
