Loading: start.html never end...

FAQ #100937

The MB panel (PCD7.D4xx) shows the message "loading start.html" but nothing happens, the page loading never ends. It can also happen that the loading works after some time but the variables aren't displayed, instead the message "No component selected" is shown.


The MB panel (PCD7.D4xx) shows the message "loading start.html" but nothing happens, the page loading never ends. It can also happen that the loading works after some time but the variables aren't displayed, instead the message "No component selected" is shown.

The problem may be caused by the size of the start.itq file which is too big compared to the RAM memory available in MB panel. In detail, the phenomenon can occure if the file "start.itq" is bigger than 100 KBytes.

The temporary solution is to reduce the project size. Saia Burgess Controls AG is currently working on a new firmware for the MB panel which give an error messsage and / or increase the available memory size!

Please contact your local sales office for more information in case you are concerned by this situation!



PCD7 / D4xx (MB Panel)

Last update: 30.05.2015 04:49

First release: 14.05.2008 07:40

Views: 2019

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
