Can I store files locally on a MB Panel (in order to increase communication performance)?

FAQ #100924

Yes, it is possile storing files directly on the flash File System of an MB Panel. By doing so, the page will be displayed faster because these files do not need to be transferred over the communication interface.


Can I store any file of the Web Project on the MB Panel?
In fact, all the files of the Web-Editor project can be saved locally on the panel except the *.tcr file. This file contains the definition of the global variables of the PCD (PPO variables) and must remain in the user program of the PCD (added to the project by using the Web Builder). All the other files can be stored on the local Flash Card of the WebPanel.
How to store the files to the MB Panel?
The files can be transferred via an FTP connection (user: "root", password "rootpasswd") to the "M1_FLASH" directory of the MB Panel file system. For further information regarding accessing the file system of the MB Panel, please refer to the manual 26/855 (Manual File System) which can be found on the support site ( in the product section for the PCD3.

The directory "INTFLASH" shouldn't be accessed by the user and no data should be saved in this directory.



S-Web Technology

PCD7 / D4xx (MB Panel)

Last update: 29.05.2015 02:13

First release: 18.04.2008 16:20

Views: 1829

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