Is it possible accessing PCD resources from a Web-Page in an indexed way?

FAQ #100878

Yes, this is possible by using a container variable.


Procedure for accessing PCD resources in a Web Page indexed
In the S-Web Editor you have to add the content of a container variable to the basis address of the PCD resource as following:
Depending of the version of the Web-Builder it's possible to use the symbolic ressource name of PG5.

For all versions of the Web-Builder: 

The signification of this syntax can be found in the following table:

PDP,,  Start of the Syntax Process data point
PCD_Address           Base address of the PCD resource
+@COFF_Start delimiter for the name of the container variable
Container_name      Name of the container variable
@End delimiter for the name of the container variable
,dFormat of the resource 

Only for Web-Builder with version > 2.0.31: 

The signification of this syntax can be found in the following table:

PG5_Symbol_name Symbolic Name of the PCD resource
+@COFF_Start delimiter for the name of the container variable
Container_name      Name of the container variable
@End delimiter for the name of the container variable
,dFormat of the resource 

During runtime of the Web project, the content of the container variable is added to the base address of the PCD media. 

You have defined 2 container variable with the name “First_pointer” and “Second_pointer”.
The container “First_pointer” does contain the value 10.
The container “Second _pointer” does contain the value 5.
If you do write the following PPO name on the S-Web Editor items “static text” or “edit box”, then you will have the following results:

Syntax in the S-Web Editor

Following PCD resource are accessed 

PDP,,R100+@COFF_First_pointer@,dRegister 110
PDP,,R100+@COFF_First_pointer@+@COFF_Second_pointer@,dRegister 115
PDP,,DB20+@COFF_First_pointer@.2+@COFF_Second_pointer@,dDB 30 element 7

with symbolic ressource name of PG5:
(Name of the PG5 ressource: My_Reg with address 200) 

Syntax in the S-Web Editor

Following PCD resource are accessed 

My_Reg+@COFF_First_pointer@,dRegister 210
My_Reg+@COFF_First_pointer@+@COFF_Second_pointer@,dRegister 215



Web Editor5

Last update: 26.05.2015 21:37

First release: 07.02.2008 16:57

Views: 3701

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